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Becoming a Mason

This “Between Friends” production was produced on behalf of the Masonic Education and Service Committee of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas, and at the request of Most Worshipful Jerry L. Martin, Grand Master 2014.  This video is entitled “Becoming a Mason” and as the title suggests, is geared toward those members of the community who are interested in learning more about, and potentially joining the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Freemasons.  This is a four part series comprised of an Introduction to Texas Masonry and the Grand Lodge, an overview of Texas Masonic History, a segment of Masonry and the Family, and How to Pursue Masonry.  After watching the video, if you have an interest in joining the Ancient Free and Accepted Fraternity of Freemasons in Texas, please call or visit a local Masonic Lodge in your community.


If you are unaware of local Lodges in your area, please use our Lodge Locator.  This will allow you to search all Lodges in Texas by Name, Number, City, County, or District.  Once you have identified the Lodge(s) in your area, click on the ‘Details’ button in the far right column, which will lead you to the Lodge’s contact information.


Becoming a Mason (Part 1 of 4)


The first section of this four-part video introduces the Grand Lodge of Texas and its structure.  It introduces some key concepts of Masonry and illustrates what Masons believe.  “Meeting on the Level” is discussed as a unique component of the Masonic Fraternity.  The Interviewee for this section is Right Worshipful Elmer Murphey, Past Grand Master 2005.


Texas Masonic History (Part 2 of 4)


The second section of the “Becoming a Mason” video focuses on Texas History and its ties with Freemasonry.  In it you will find information on the first Lodge in Texas, learn how the Grand Lodge of Texas was formed, and hear about some of the Heroes of Texas who were Masons.  Brother Dick Brown is interviewed in the segment; he is a Past Master and recent Chairman of the Texas History Committee for the Grand Lodge of Texas.


Masonry and Family (Part 3 of 4)


The third section explains how Freemasonry relates to the Family, from Masonic Organizations that wives and kids can join, to family activities sponsored by the individual Lodges and Grand Lodge.  It also touches on the world-wide Brotherhood of Freemasons and talks of the time constraints of Masonry in the modern world.  This interviewee is Brother Harold Brown, a Past Master and recent District Deputy Grand Master in 2013.


Pursuing Masonry (Part 4 of 4)


The conclusion of this four part series speaks to the individual interested in pursuing Masonry, from finding a Lodge, through the petition process, and up to the point of initiation.  It explains some of the ways Masonry teaches candidates, and alludes to a basic understanding of the Masonic Experience.  The interviewee is Brad Billings, a Past Master and current member of the Purposes and Policies Committee of the Grand Lodge of Texas.



The following page covers the general steps that a man seeking membership in Freemasonry may consider. Lodges will likely have their own procedures, but this will help you get started and give you a better understanding of the process. Non-Masons are urged to use our Lodge Locator to find a Lodge near you, or send in questions by using the contact us form on our website.



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Wolfforth-Frenship Masonic Lodge No.1447 ©

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